PHFH weekly update, 4/26/22

Palouse Habitat Update for 4.26.22 with a selection of photos from Beans ‘n’ Jeans on April 16th! First photo is of Aimee Martinez arriving at the event.

Idaho Gives is next week, May 2 – 5! Donate at to help us win prizes!

Construction/Home Repair Update:
G’Day all;
There are three scheduled work days this week.
Wed 27 Apr: Meet at the south warehouse at 0900; we’ll complete a porch repair in Pullman. Lunch on our own.
Thurs 28 Apr: Meet at the Hansen house in Uniontown at 0900. Concentration on interior (cabinets, countertops, floor moulding, etc). Lunch will be provided (Thanks, Jim Fredenburg).
Sat 30 Apr: Meet at the Hansen house in Uniontown at 0900. Continue interior work. Lunch on our own.
A few new folks have been added to this weekly schedule, and there are some who have been receiving the schedule and have not been out in a while – and have not registered this calendar year. All volunteers are required to register each year, so register online before you come out. Contact April, our Volunteer Coordinator, for a link.

Palouse Habitat office is open Monday-Friday 10:30 to 2:30 PM.

Palouse Habitat Surplus Sale is open Wednesday-Saturday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at 304 North Main in Moscow. If you’re doing any spring cleaning, consider donating some of your stuff to us!