We’re hiring!

Palouse Habitat for Humanity is hiring three positions: Construction Site Manager, ReStore Pick-up and Delivery Crew, and AmeriCorps

Moscow, Idaho (July 30, 2024) — Help build Habitat homes! Palouse Habitat for Humanity seeks staff to help meet our goal to expand to two homes a year.
1) Construction Site Manager to oversee the home build site, lead and teach volunteers, and ensure up-tocode completion of the home. This new full-time position includes paid vacation and health insurance.
2) ReStore Pick-up and Delivery Crew. This part-time position has a flexible schedule and assists in picking up and delivering items from the ReStore.
3) AmeriCorps Construction Crew Leader. This new full-time position on the construction site includes a housing stipend and benefits.
Positions open until filled. To learn more and apply, please visit palousehabitat.org/about/careers. For questions, please call the Habitat office at 208-883-8502 or email director@palousehabitat.org.

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