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Avenues for Hope Ends

Event Details

Today is the last day to donate to Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge. We are participating in this years Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge to raise funds to help meet our community’s housing needs. The 2023 campaign closes at 6pm on Dec. 29, 2023. Every donation of $25 or more will help provide critical resources to those needing access to safe, stable, affordable housing and supportive services. For more information, please visit For direct donations, please visit our donation page:

Every holiday is better with a home! You can help make that dream a reality for a local family needing safe, affordable housing.

Palouse Habitat for Humanity serves our neighbors in need by working to eliminate poverty housing in the Palouse and worldwide. We build and repair homes using volunteer labor, donated materials, and funds raised locally to purchase materials, land, etc.

Since our founding in 1992, we have completed over 21 homes. We’ve helped over 170 Palouse neighbors with ramps and home repairs. In a typical year, we engage over 200 community volunteers. Funds for these projects are raised through fundraisers like this one and at our thrift store for home improvement and construction materials, the Palouse Habitat Surplus Sale store in Moscow.

A safe, affordable home changes lives. It allows an elderly veteran to live with dignity and safety in their home. It offers a hard-working, low-income family the opportunity for a safe, affordable place to raise their children and the same possibility of long-term economic stability that we all count on from our homes. It’s a hand-up, not a handout.

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