This month we assembled ramps in Moscow, Viola and Albion. Thanks to a 22-foot metal Q-Ramp in Moscow, the resident now has wheelchair access to his home. The ramp in Albion was a 26-foot ramp which replaced a steeper 12-foot temporary ramp. We used three 8-foot wooden modules and a 2-foot taper. Curbing and handrails were installed on both sides and asphalt shingles were installed for traction. The Habitat crew applied stain to the new lumber for weather resistance. In Viola the crew installed a donated, which was considerably larger and heavier than our typical modular ramps, and it was well built and in good condition so we repurposed it. We pre-built a 4 ft X 4 ft platform to serve as porch, tweaked the ramp and attached it to the platform.
Team members on these projects: Brent Bradberry, Michael Haseltine, Jacob Mauren and Terry Van Auken (PHfH) were joined by Rodney Dale, Dave Dial, Jim Wallace, Mark Boehne, Jim Wallace, Charlie Stefani, Chris Parodi, Jim Griffith and Larry Verdal (MCLC). This nice-sized crew is especially helpful when it comes time to lift the 24-foot unit into place. “Many hands…”
Build site update:
Many thanks to the great team from Wells Fargo who came to build with us last Saturday – they helped the Codgers install the trusses and paint siding for the Martinez home. They also came with a gift – $15,000! to help build the Martinez home – thank you Wells Fargo!
There are three work days scheduled this week:
Wed 21 Sept: Meet at the south warehouse at 0800. We will install an aluminum ramp at 1432 Borah St, in Moscow. Lunch on our own.
Thurs 22 Sept: Work starts at 0800 at the Martinez home. We will be sheathing the roof. We will have a crew of volunteers from the Meter Foundation – this organization has been very generous and contributed a large sum to purchase our tool trailer and a lot of thank yous are in order. Lunch on our own. Canceled due to rain!
Sat 24 Sept: Work starts at 0800 at the Martinez home. We will be continuing to work on the roof (we need to have the roof ready for the Lewiston Firefighters Local 1773 volunteers to shingle the roof on 13 Oct). Lunch will be provided thanks to Nancy Tribble.
Our 30th anniversary will be celebrated at our annual volunteer picnic on Sunday 25 September, 2 PM, at 1040 Rodeo Drive (PCEI – Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute) within an easy walk from the Martinez home site. Please be sure to come, and RSVP here: Volunteer and 30th Anniversary Picnic